Rome had long been a land of persecution towards the minorities, particularly that of the Christian minority. Persecution reached its epitome under the rule of Caesar Nero. The Christians had little that they could do against the Roman government, but to have faith in God, and pray. Christian persecution had escalated until
Catechumen is a first person action/adventure Christian game where your goal is to defeat the forces of evil, descending deeper into the depths of the Earth and rescue your captured brethren.
Roman spies would infiltrate the Christian churches, bringing the Roman authorities with them. Darkness was settling over Christianity, evil in nature and threatening to destroy the Christian religion only a few centuries after Christ founded it at the cross. To defend themselves, Christians created a recruitment policy that required brothers seeking the Lord to study the Word for a year before undergoing baptism and partaking in communion. During this time, Christians in training were known as "Catechumen".